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A Fundraising That Gives Hope

Inspiration Telethons

In 2012 and then again in 2013, the Special Envoy for Women and Children, through her Office, held Inspiration Telethons to raise funds for the construction of a national center of attention for children with disabilities. Both telethons raised unprecedented amounts of funds, surpassing their targets of one million dollars and half a million dollars, respectively. 


Donations came from government, non-government and private sector donors, as well as individual Belizean citizens at home and abroad, who responded to the appeal, which was broadcasted on national radio.


There were also many touching moments as children, several of whom have disabilities, brought their piggy banks to contribute to the cause.


Throughout the day, many high profile personalities acted as phone operators and pledged, including the Prime Minister, other Ministers and parliamentarians, high government officials, municipal officials, entertainers and other luminaries of Belizean society.

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