International Conference
On Population Development
Having been recognized globally for her unwavering support and advocacy for women and children in Belize, Mrs. Kim Simplis Barrow was invited to attend and participate at the ICPD 25—Road to Nairobi Summit, which aimed at achieving zero unmet need for family planning information and services, zero preventable maternal deaths, and zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls.
Leading up to the Nairobi Summit, Mrs. Simplis Barrow was invited to speak at the ICPD25 "What's Changed" Conversation and launch of UNFPA's 2019 State of World Population Report - Unfinished Business: the pursuit of rights and choices for all in Belize. Herself along with Ms. Tisa Grant, Laison Officer for UNFPA Belize engaged key partners, adolescents, and youth in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the unfinished business of the ICPD25 agenda for young people and other vulnerable groups who still lack agency, education, and access to critical health services.
Succeeding the Launch, Mrs. Simplis Barrow attended and participated at the ICPD25 Summit in Nairobi, Kenya from November 12-14, 2020, where she co-chaired the “When Women Lead” High-level Dialogue, which focused on women being the forefront of crafting and ensuring that the promises of the ICPD—Realizing A World of Zeros, were no longer thoughts, but actions. She focused on the urgent need to strengthen feminist organizations and women’s rights groups, particularly in the sub-region of the Caribbean; and further reiterated that if we were to be successful, it would take the re-strengthening of women who have been critical in our success both regionally and globally. She insisted that the incorporation of young people, especially young women, as leading voices in these efforts are the key to moving forward.
The high-level conference was attended by heads of state, ministers, parliamentarians, thought-leaders, technical experts, civil society organizations, grassroots organizations, young people, business and community leaders, faith-based organizations, indigenous peoples, international financial institutions, people with disabilities, academics and many others interested in the pursuit of sexual and reproductive health and rights.