International AIDS Society
Conference For Better Use of HIV Investments
Mrs. Kim Simplis Barrow attended the 10th annual International AIDS Society Conference as a panelist for the Global Fund Satellite session which was held in Mexico City, Mexico from 20-24 July 2019. The session was titled Global Fund dialogue among leaders on mobilizing and promoting better use of HIV and health investments.
Mrs. Barrow spoke about the importance of empowering women and girls as a priority for achieving universal health coverage and HIV targets. With the ever-present need to address human rights violations, stigma and discrimination, gender inequality and violence against women and girls, Mrs. Barrow brought attention to how these issues serve as major barriers to access for society’s most vulnerable groups.
She also highlighted Belize’s model of tackling HIV/AIDS in the community through the Global Fund project led by the National Aids commission that created a hub that brings together all NGOs that work in ending the HIV epidemic in Belize.
Other panelists included Hon Dr. Juan Pablo Uribe, Minister of Health, Colombia, Ambassador Deborah Birx, US Global AIDS Coordinator, the President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), Dr Shannon Hader, Deputy Executive Director, UNAIDS, Dr. Carissa Etienne, Director, PAHO, Dr. Andrea Gonzalez, Director, Clínica Condesa, Mexico and Mr. Julio Cesar Aguilera, director, Fundación Hábitat Verde, Bolivia.